Tax Day and Crime = Perfect Together


I hope that your taxes are done – or your extension is filed – and you are back to reading and writing with a wild new sense of freedom!

When I hit that send button last night, I felt a surge of relief! Yeah – another thing off that ever-growing To-Do list! But when I received the text message from the IRS confirming receipt of the return, I was downright foolish! I got up and danced around the piles of paperwork and files strewn about on the floor. Now, just to scan and archive all the receipts, etc and I’ll be truly done, but for today, I’m back to work on manuscripts and short stories!

So, since I keep hearing from folks that what they pay in taxes feels like armed robbery and in honor of that perception, I offer the following information to all the CRIME WRITERS among you all – mystery, true crime, suspense, hard-boiled PI, etc., etc.

Hope you find this helpful as you continue to write your CRIME magic!

For those writing novels by pets, this was fun –

  • Audio book rights for the last three titles in Carole Nelson Douglas’s long-running Midnight Louie feline PI mystery series (CAT IN A YELLOW SPOTLIGHT, CAT IN A ZEBRA ZOOT SUIT, AND CAT IN AN ALPHABET ENDGAME) have gone to Dreamscape Audio. No agent information available.

Ideas to increase eBook sales –

  • Selling books for e-readers through Kindle, Nook, Smashwords, etc. is easier than ever but, with some additional work, you can also sell your eBooks directly from your own website or blog. Kathleen Valentine describes how.
  • The May 16 meeting of the Ancient City Chapter of the Florida Writers Association at the Main Library in St. Augustine presents: Author Susan Kiernan-Lewis to teach all about successful e-Book sales. And, she should know. She left a successful career in commercial copy writing when her e-sales out-earned her regular paycheck.

Here are a few CRIME sales reported recently by Sisters in Crime National and Publishers Lunch. Note agent names where I had the information.

  • Mignon Ballard’s MISS DIMPLE AND THE SLIGHTLY BEWILDERED ANGEL,  to Hope Dellon at St. Martin’s. Agent: Laura Langlie.
  • Kay Kendall’s RAINY DAY WOMEN, second in the Austin Starr Mystery series, to Stacey Benson at Stairway Press.
  • Agatha Award nominee, Alan Orloff’s RUNNING FROM THE PAST came out on March 3 from Amazon’s new imprint, KINDLE PRESS. (This is not the do-it-yourself Kindle model; you can’t even submit to Press. You have to be asked…)
  • Leann Sweeney’s next two books in the CATS IN TROUBLE series, to Claire Zion at NAL. Agent: Carol Mann at the Carol Mann Agency.
  • Lynn Cahoon’s A STORY TO KILL, in the Cat Latimer series, to Esi Sogah at Kensington, in a three-book deal.
  • Kirsten Weiss’s THE PERFECTLY PROPER PARANORMAL MUSEUM, to Terri Bischoff at Midnight Ink, in a three-book deal. Agent: Jill Marsal at the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.
  • Steve Berry, one of the founding authors of International Thriller Writers, has moved to Minotaur. No details available.

Last but not least, an article that is quick reading and heavy with great advice – in my opinion, anyway.

Until next week, keep reading and writing! Nancy Q.



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And, before I sign off with my customary entreaty to “keep reading and writing” I share a title of a work by Jordan E. Rosenfeld – A WRITER’S GUIDE TO PERSISTENCE!

Keep reading and writing! Nancy Q.

Are You Writing?

Point and Shoot Series

When it comes to very good reasons why my personal writing isn’t getting done, my list is long and awesome. The one thing it isn’t – is unique.

  • “My family takes up a lot of my time and energy…”
  • “I’m working way too many hours…”
  • “Too many other things are more important…”
  • “I just can’t get this first chapter right…”
  • Fill In The Blanks

Now, unlike some, I make my living by writing and editing. I’m at it six days a week most of the time. I speak to groups about writing and editing. I attend conferences and monthly programs. I’m blessed to be spend many of my waking hours working with the words I so love and am intrigued by. But, the one thing I leave off my work schedule is WORK ON BOOK 2.

And, because I had the honor, many years ago, of chatting with Nora Roberts while having a drink during some conference down time, I really have NO excuse at all. You see, that best-selling author of all time told me her secret to having so many books on the market.

I was doing a quasi-interview at the time. I’d done a phone interview months earlier, but thought I’d expand it with some other questions. She was terrific as always. So, I asked her what I thought most pre-published authors would find most important:

Me: You’ve got a hundred books out there and they all sell great. What’s your secret? How do you do that?

She laughed a moment – probably at my question. But then she got serious and shrugged.

NR: I keep my butt in the chair.  It’s my livelihood. I work at it 40-50 hours a week, just like you work at the corporate office. When the boys were young, I worked at it every second that I could.

ME: Yes, but readers love your work. How’d you learn to write so well?

NR: By writing a lot. I’m a natural story-teller, but my writing got better by writing a lot. You can’t edit a blank page.

And so, I know better than most, that the “secret” to writing novels is to WRITE THEM. I don’t have a list of reasons why not – I have a list of I excuses. And I’m bright enough to understand that I will ALWAYS have what I’m committed to having. Excuses, or completed written works. Change my commitment or own it.

If you still have that burning desire to write, then do it. Tear up the excuses and jealously guard whatever moments you can to keep writing. Or start writing. Sure, it might cost you a television program, or a half hour of sleep, or chatting with buddies in the breakroom. But be honest with yourself when you ask, “What am I committed to doing/having?”

If you’re honest with the answer to that question, then you’ll know exactly what is right for YOU to do. And  no, writing isn’t an easy profession, even on a part time basis. But if you are one of those who must write, then suck it up and get moving!

For me, it’s tear up that list and forfeit a little sleep so I can get the next novel done – and launch the series this year. The answer may be different for you – and that’s fine.  There is no right or wrong answer to this puzzle.

So, keep reading – and writing! Both are important to your spirit – and your career – IF a writing career is your goal.

Writer’s Dilemma

Go Write

Of late, I’ve received several query emails from men and women who have done that climb-Mount-Everest-type accomplishment of completing their first book. And, they have asked me a question that takes great courage to ask a complete stranger: “Do you think this book has any value?”

Even before I read their 10-page submission, I can give them the answer. It is the same answer I give every writer, including myself. The writing we do ALWAYS has value.

Many of us write because we can’t help it. Something resides within us, more persistant than heartburn, and we have no peace until we give it release. It might take the form of a poem, or an essay, or an article for the local newspaper – or it might turn into a book.

Like musicians and artists of other mediums, writers are artists, too. We’re given a desire and gift by our creator and we have to give it wings or we have no peace. No joy. We’re meant to use it. And so, by following that desire and giving our talent wings, we make the world a better place. If there is no value in that, there is no value in anything.

Now, does this work have COMMERCIAL value? Often times, my honest opinion is that it probably doesn’t. That’s because of the nature of our culture and the business of publishing. My family stories (look up DYSFUNTIONAL and you’ll see my whole clan) feel to me as though they’d make a best-selling autobiography, but guess what? Without celebrity status, celebrity support, or celebrity impact, my memoir – like most – will have no commercial value at all. But I will always believe that our histories, and memories, and old photos are important legacies to pass along to the next generations. There are lessons to be learned, mistakes to be avoided perhaps, or simply geneological information that gives someone roots. And we ALL need roots.

But, take all of that memoir material if you like and turn it into an awesome novel and you might, with good writing, good editing, a great cover and a desire to get the word out, have a book that makes you some money – some local commercial value at the very least.

Yes, fiction is generally more profitable than non-fiction, but not always. And while our stories count: to us, to our children, to our local communities perhaps, their real value lies in capturing memories and stories that will be lost forever if we don’t.

So, the best thought I can leave you with, is that if you are living with a burning desire to tell your story, to write a novel, to craft a book meant to help people to love and respect themselves and others – you’d better GO for it! We’re not on the planet to take up space – we’re put here to make a difference. Big or small doesn’t matter.

You – and your words – are PRICELESS!

Glad Tidings of Good Cheer…

Courtesy of Image Courtesy of

I believe that an innocent babe was sent to save me and all of us willing to accept His gift. I believe that His message of love, hope and peace is as valid and true today as it was more than 2000 years ago.

I believe that all that the Lord gives in His loving grace is a gift in my life, including my friends, family and clients. I’m blessed to “work” in a field that I love; to “work” with people who are unique and interesting and always help me to grow in some way; to have the gift of wordsmithing to share with others; to have friends who laugh and cry with me without judgement or reservation. All amazing gifts in my opinion.

May your Christmas and every day be full of blessings. Remember to look for the daily miracles as well as to expect the larger ones, too! Being observant and present to the moment make us better writers, better friends, better human beings. Go for those dreams, but don’t miss today, this moment, this experience.

God bless you all. See you in 2015!!