I pray daily for peace in our hearts, our homes, our neighborhoods and towns, our nation and in our world. Peace is something that, with the help of our loving Lord, we can have despite the chaos, heartache, injustice, violence, and hatred that swirls around us. I believe that all lives matter from the unborn to the very old. I’ve learned that truth the very hardest of ways.

But, peace and change will always begin with us. With me. And I can – you can – we all can – reach out each day and be kinder than we were yesterday, gentler in our thoughts than we were yesterday, quieter in our words than we were yesterday.

I urge you to continue to write, to experience the emotions of this time and capture them in your journal, your dialogue, your plot lines, your poetry, your artwork. And to do it all with peace in your heart and mind.

Some writing industry tidbits to encourage you –

In Nova Scotia, there’s a special type of bookstore that’s doing well – with books and other things, too!

How to start blogging. Jane Friedman offers a definitive guide for authors.

Publisher’s Weekly reported this week that print book sales jumped 11% in mid-May over 2019 sales. The largest segment was seen in trade paperbacks, followed by hardcovers. ALL THE NEWS IS NOT BAD!!

Happy Ball Point Pen and Iced Tea Day!!

See you next week! Nancy Q.

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